When we negotiate it is not to lose but to win. Sometimes in the process, we must compromise in order to obtain the prize. The ambition must be founded in good moral truth because if it is faulty then it will erode over time and expose what never should normally be seen. The object of […]
The Turning Point
America needs to get up and not die. She is laying in a bed of debt that wants to suffocate her but she’s got the power within to get up and get going again. She cannot allow anything to stop her. As Americans, we need to be industrious again and on the cutting edge of […]
Rising Again…
I remember garage sale ling with my parents when I was a kid. It was always a big deal to find something the stores didn’t carry and that was collectible. I enjoyed the adventure of what Dad’s cash would bring. It was a thrill to find those “special” sales in the clothing department when something […]
We have a chance to win. Everyone has the opportunity but not all will go there. It sometimes takes extraordinary strength within and without to make the “play” or “move” in the right direction. It also takes a lot of training and not all want to invest in that kind of discipline. Also as a […]
Thought Medicine
When we find our niche it is time to make it work. The thought process is progressive in order for others to get along with the program. All of a sudden things begin to work together like a rocket being fueled for takeoff. The project takes a lot of preparation and a continual commitment to […]
Tempted to Quit?
It is easy to quit and not to keep going. Real work is not giving in. Instead, of fighting for what is inevitable, you have to uncover the dust and allow for “destiny” to bloom. Once the bloom has started it must be cared for carefully and encouraged through patience. It does get tricky but […]
Time is Wisdom
The “picture” of America is getting ugly. We have some difficult choices ahead of us as a Nation. We used to be number one and now we have slid from that once wonderful position. We need to continue to encourage freedom and at the same time foster safety. We can guard against disaster by being […]
We as Americans can ensure our heritage for future generations by craving things of yesteryear. At the same time, we also need to allow for new emerging technologies that advance our overall survival. In history, we need to be determined and successful in the truth. Yet, in science and medicine, we should also see that […]