America needs to get back to her first love of independence, liberty, and freedom for all. She needs to stand up to the bully in the hall. She needs to grow up strong and brave. She needs never to look back but forward to economic recovery. It is her turn to be number one again and that will take dedication from every American because it is a paramount team effort. She also needs international friends who will stand behind her and help with that recovery process because it will take time for her to heal.
Her responsibilities in the international scene are of utmost importance. Where her predecessors have failed and ailed her she needs to take to shaking hands in foreign lands again. She needs to go there in person and attend summits while keeping at arm’s length with her real enemies. She needs to be smart where her previous statesmen have utterly failed to represent her.
America needs the joy of doing what it is famous for – stopping terror. No, she understands it well, however, she wants to make sure it doesn’t spread into the homeland. She needs to protect what is hers and be vigilant and intelligent again. She needs to take the correct course of action for each and every injustice.
Her identity should be with the leaders in the world especially in economics, education, space, and science. She needs to tend to her own children first by making the “grade” at home before reaching out to other nations. Yea, it is o.k. and necessary to give at times of utter catastrophe but her aim should be to take care of the homeland and feed her own. When the little ones are found without food she needs to care and again it will be just another reason to recharge the economy. In space, she needs to promote no fear and be boundless. In science, she needs to be first in discovery but again that takes a thriving economy.
The bottom line is America needs to be number one again!